The idea for the animation came after internalizing the soundscape and words of Nadah El Shazly’s ‘Mahmiya’. It had a sensibility that seemed soothing and warm – vital and at peace, yet vast and unconcerned, like a sea, dried and fossilized, wherein the listener is placed without bearings. In this place, there is a condition of symmetry between the inner world of the girl and the outer landscape. She morphs and changes through her surroundings, and through these interactions the world is animated and energized. The land evolves; things occur as they will and force is not exerted; the events unfold without effort. Time becomes represented as fluctuating and dilating. Our girl breathes, plays, creates, grows, and becomes conclusively unrecognisable, only to be brought back to the beginning of the cycle. The events are indefinite, change is constant, and she plays her part with no concern to the consequences.